Subaru Superstore of Surprise

Nov 3, 2023

Are you noticing any issues with your Subaru’s braking system? If so, you should visit the local Subaru dealership immediately for brake repair. Your brakes are your vehicle’s most important safety components, so they should work properly at all times.

5 Signs Your Subaru Needs Brake Repair at the Local Subaru Dealership

1. Vibrations in the Brake Pedal

If you feel pulsating, shaking, or vibrating sensations in the brake pedal when braking, this signals warped brake rotors. The uneven rotor surface causes the pads to vibrate against the rotor when braking. Driving with severely warped rotors can lead to brake loss and increase the risk of accidents. You should resurface or replace the rotors to restore smooth braking in your Subie.

2. High-Pitched Sound When Braking

A high-pitched squealing or grinding noise when braking usually means the brake pads are worn down completely. At this point, the pad’s metal backing plate is making contact with the rotor’s surface. Over time, the worn pads will grind against the rotors and damage them beyond repair. So replace them to prevent costly repairs.

3. Car Pulls to One Side When Braking

Does your car pull to the right or left when you apply the brakes? This is due to uneven brake pad wear. When some pads are worn out more than others, the braking force becomes unbalanced. This causes the car to pull to one side.

4. Brakes Take Too Long to Respond

If your brakes are taking longer to respond, you could be dealing with air in the brake lines. Air pockets in the lines compress instead of transmitting hydraulic pressure to the calipers. This reduces braking power and affects how quickly the brakes respond.

To fix this, you need to bleed the braking system and remove the trapped air. As you bleed the system, check for brake fluid leaks, as they can also reduce power. Top up brake fluid as needed to restore your brakes’ responsiveness.

5. Soft Brake Pedal

Your brake pedal should feel firm against your foot. If the pedal feels soft and spongy and is easily pushed to the floor, you could be dealing with hydraulic issues. The common causes of this problem include leaks in the brake lines or master cylinder, air pockets, or a faulty brake booster. A soft pedal makes it difficult to brake quickly in emergency situations, so you should get it fixed immediately.

Problems with your Subaru’s brakes can increase safety hazards on the road. If you notice these signs, contact Subaru Superstore of Surprise to schedule repairs. Our Subaru-certified technicians will inspect the braking system and replace the faulty components to restore proper function.