Subaru Superstore of Surprise

Dec 8, 2023

Your car battery starts your car and works with the alternator to ensure all the electrical components work properly at all times. If you notice any of the following signs, you’ll want to talk to your Subaru dealership about getting a new car battery soon.

7 Signs You Need a New Car Battery from Your Subaru Dealership

Dimming Headlights and Electrical Issues

When the battery is not functioning properly, it lacks the power to keep the car’s electrical systems running at full capacity. This issue is most evident in the headlights, which may appear significantly dimmer than usual, especially during starting the car or at idle. Other electrical components like the dashboard lights, interior lights, and the stereo system may also function erratically or with less efficiency.

Slow Engine Crank

When you turn the key in the ignition, a healthy battery powers the starter motor, which in turn starts the engine. However, if the battery is failing, this process becomes noticeably slower. The engine may take longer to crank, or it may sound sluggish and weak when you attempt to start the vehicle. This slow engine crank is a clear sign that the battery is not providing enough power and may be near the end of its life.

Swollen Battery Case

A healthy car battery typically has a flat, rectangular shape. However, exposure to excessive heat or cold, or internal failures, can cause the sides of the battery to swell and bulge. This swelling indicates that the battery is not operating correctly and could be at risk of leaking or failing entirely.

Battery Age and Corrosion

Most car batteries have a lifespan of three to five years. If your battery is within this age range or older, it’s more likely to fail, especially under extreme conditions, such as during a winter cold snap. Additionally, corrosion around the battery terminals can also be a sign of trouble. White, ashy deposits on the metal parts of the battery indicate corrosion, which can lead to poor electrical connections and reduced battery performance.

Frequent Jump Starts

If you find yourself frequently needing to jump-start your car, this is a strong indication that your battery is failing. A healthy battery should be able to hold a charge and start your car consistently.

Check Engine Light and Battery Warning Light

While these lights can signify various issues, they often turn on when the battery is not charging properly or is underperforming. It’s essential to have your vehicle checked by a professional if these lights appear.

Erratic Electronic Performance

If you notice erratic behavior in electronic components, such as the infotainment system rebooting, inconsistent performance of power windows, or issues with electronic safety features, these could be signs of a failing battery.

If you notice any of these signs, call our service center at Subaru Superstore of Surprise right away, and we’ll make sure your battery is in good health or get you a new one if it’s not.